I had an opportunity to take a road trip and travel part of the Columbia River West from Vancouver Washington toward the Pacific Ocean.  Below are some photos taken during this trip.  We traveled around the area for three days, each of which was as cloudy and rainy as you see below.  The first four photos are taken from the Washington State side of the River.  
This view is facing west toward the Pacific Ocean, which is approximately twenty miles from this location.
An empty boat heading East toward Portland, Oregon
There is a bird sanctuary on the Washington side of the river. It is supposed to be an excellent location to observe birds and other wildlife living on the lower Columbia River estuary, however, during the three to four hours we spent in this location, we only saw a few ducks.  
The top and bottom photos are taken from Astoria, which is a small town located about 13 miles from the Ocean on the Columbia River.  The famous explorers Lewis and Clark camped in this vicinity during November and December 1805.  One can see the shore of Washington State at the far end of these photos
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