Most every Saturday a group of friends complete a 10K walk. I have had the opportunity to follow them while taking photos along the way.

The photo above is a panorama consisting of eight images. The major challenge of combining the images was to insure that the guidelines of the sailboat masts were aligned.

Bellevue is the city in the background in the above photo

I was sitting on the shoreline trying to visualize how to capture this image. These two ducks came into the frame, thus allowing me to take this photo using a minimalistic approach, while capturing the essence of the bright sun reflecting on the water.

A plethora of ducks just floating along the shoreline.

The challenges of riding a bicycle, at least this person had a beautiful view while repairing a flat tire.

A birds eye view.

A meditative approach to fishing. After talking to the fisherman, he mentioned that last week he caught several Trout out of the lake.
Thank you for taking the time to view